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partecipation of Gigi
Casati ?
14th and 15th July 2012 | S.Erasmo di Cesi (Terni) www.speleonotte.blogspot.com |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati to "Speleonotte" | |
8th May 2012 at 8:30 pm |
Sala Circoscrizione Oltrefersina Via Clarina 2/1 - Trento |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati:
"La speleologia subacquea ai massimi livelli" [Placard] |
18th February 2012 at 12:15 pm |
EUDI SHOW - Milano (Sala K) www.eudishow.eu |
Partecipation of Luigi Casati at the
Presentation of the Book "BLU ESTREMO - Oltre l'immersione profonda" [INFO] [INFO2] [PHOTO] [PHOTO2] |
3rd February 2012 at 9:00 pm |
Cinema Teatro di Polcenigo (PN) www.prolocopolcenigo.com |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati:
"Gorgazzo: Nuove Esplorazioni" [Placard] |
12th and 13th November 2011 | Edegem (Belgium) http://www.tekdive11.com/fr/ |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at "TekDice11" International Convention | |
4th November 2011 at 9:00 pm |
Milano | Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati:
"Sul fondo dell'abisso" [Placard] |
30th October 2011 at 3:00 pm |
Negrar (VR) http://www.speleolessinia.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati at "Speleolessinia 2011" | |
29th October 2011 at 10:00 pm |
Negrar (VR) http://www.speleolessinia.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati at "Speleolessinia 2011" | |
29th October 2011 at 6:00 pm |
Negrar (VR) http://www.speleolessinia.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati at "Speleolessinia 2011" | |
From 6th to 9th October 2011 | Isola di Ponza (LT) | Partecipation of Gigi Casati at REBREATHER
MEETING [Placard] |
4th October 2011 at 9:00 pm |
Teatro "Don Bosco" Via Asolo,2 - Padova |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati:
"Acque nascoste vicine e lontane" [Placard] |
9th and 10th July 2011 | S.Erasmo di Cesi (Terni) www.speleonotte.blogspot.com |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati at "Speleonotte" [Locandina] [INFO] |
11 June 2011 at 3.00 pm |
Museo della Marineria - Viareggio Info: 0584-969650 www.premioartiglio.it |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at XII° National Convention of the Historical Diving Society Italia | |
12 May 2011 at 8.30 pm |
Salle des Fêtes de Baulmes (VD) - Switzerland | Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati:
"Luigi Casati, plongeur de l'imposible" [Placard] |
4 March 2011 at 9.00 pm |
Casa Prina - Erba Tel: 348-1122400 |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "I
nuovi esploratori: parlano gli speleologi" [INFO] |
13 January 2011 at 9.00 pm |
Toolbox Via Agostino da Montefeltro,2 - Torino Info: www.ivaldimercuriati.com/scientifica Tel: 333-2015106 |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at "SCIENTIFICA"
(A volte ancora mi sfugge l'umana grandezza) [INFO] [Placard] |
11 August 2010 at 9.00 pm |
Palazzo del Turismo Millepini di Asiago | Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati [INFO] |
17th-18th July 2010 | S.Erasmo di Cesi (Terni) www.speleonotte.blogspot.com |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati at
"Speleonotte" [Placard] |
12nd May 2010 at 8.30 pm |
Villa "Cordellina Lombardi" Montecchio Maggiore (VI) |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at the Convention
"Gli Acquiferi Carsici" [Placard] |
5th May 2010 at 9.00 pm |
Sala Consigliare di Ghedi |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati |
9 and 10 June 2009 | Virtual Reality & Multimedia Park Corso Lombardia, 194 10149 Torino |
Partecipation of Luigi Casati at "I REALIZE the art of disruption" [INFO] |
3rd April 2009 at 9:00 pm |
Gambarara (MN) Sala Conferenze Circolo Subacqueo Mantovano |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at the Convention
"L'immersione estrema raccontata dai grandi protagonisti" [Placard] |
28th February 2009 at 10:00 am |
Roma - Fiera EUDI SHOW: XVII^ Edition |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at the Convention
"L'immersione estrema raccontata dai grandi protagonisti" [Placard] |
29th November 2008 at 8.45 pm |
Polcenigo (PN) Teatro di Polcenigo Info: www.comune.polcenigo.pn.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "Lungo il percorso delle Sorgenti del Gorgazzo" [Placard] |
19th October 2008 at 9:00 pm |
Ivrea (TO) Sala S.Marta Info: 338/3225065 www.subcanavesani.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "L'immersione in grotta - le tecniche e le attrezzature" [Placard] |
17th October 2008 at 9:00 pm |
Marghera (VE) Cinema Teatro "Aurora" "FilMare 2008" Info: 338/9716112 |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati [INFO1] [INFO2] |
5 October 2008 at 3:00 pm |
Varenna (LC) Villa Monastero "Immagimondo 2008" - 11° Festival di Viaggi, Luoghi e Culture Info: 0341/284828 www.immagimondo.it |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "Fantasie e realtà delle acque sommerse" [Placard] |
From 2nd to 5th October 2008 | Cavalaire-sur-Mer - Francia Info: www.festival-tech.com |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at "2° Festival International Plongee Tech" for a Lecture and film-show |
31st May and 1st June 2008 | Saint Nazaire en Royans (Drome) - France Info: www.congresips.com |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at "4° International Cave Diving Congress" for a Lecture about "CCR in Cave Diving" |
Saturday 1 March
2008 at 3:00 pm |
Roma - Fiera EUDI SHOW: XVI^ Edition Pad.1 - Palco EUDI |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "Viaggio al centro della terra (Gorgazzo 2008: da Jean Jacques Bolanz a Luigi Casati... il sogno continua...)" |
Saturday 1 March
2008 at 12:00 am |
Roma - Fiera EUDI SHOW: XVI^ Edition Area Pelagos |
Presentation of the Book: "Manuale di Speleologia Subacquea" by Luigi Casati (Ed.Olimpia) |
28 and 29 February 2008 | Pisa Auditorium dell'Area Ricerca CNR Info: Tel: 050/315 2627 email: aiconfini@ifc.cnr.it www.aiconfinicongress.ifc.cnr.it |
Gigi Casati will take part at the 2°
International Symposium : "Ai confini della Fisiologia, tra scienza ed esperienza soggettiva" [INFO] |
8 and 9 February 2008 | Lavarone Lake (TN) Associazione "Shark Cave" in collaboration with "Braidosub - Lavori Subacquei" |
Partecipation of Gigi Casati at 20^ edition
of the PARASUB, (manifestation under the ice with contest of underwater guideline) Lecture and film-show: "2007 Explorations" |
Wednesday 23 January 2008 at 8:50 pm |
Genova Auditorium dell'Acquario Info: Associazione Amici dell'Acquario Tel: 010/234 53 23 |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "ACQUE SOTTERRANEE... nelle grotte... nelle città... nei ghiacciai" |
Wednesday 23 January 2008 at 5:50 pm |
Genova Auditorium dell'Acquario Info: Associazione Amici dell'Acquario Tel: 010/234 53 23 |
Lecture and film-show by Luigi Casati: "ACQUE SOTTERRANEE... nelle grotte... nelle città... nei ghiacciai" |
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