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Photo Album

A young Gigi...
Photo: Paolo Cesana


My first dive "by Trimix"
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro
Grotta dell'Edera:
the fossil siphon
Photo: Gruppo Speleologico Brianteo


Grotta dell'Edera:
the fossil siphon
Photo: Gruppo Speleologico Brianteo


Grava di S.Giovanni
Photo: Lorenzo Del Veneziano


Grava di San Giovanni
Photo: Lorenzo Del Veneziano


Oliero - Covol dei Siori
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Oliero - Covol dei Siori
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Oliero - Covol dei Siori
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Arne Hodalic


Vouliagmeni Lake
Foto: Arne Hodalic


Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Arne Hodalic


Vouliagmeni Lake from the high. On the right side, the Vouliagmeni gulf
Photo: Luigi Casati


Vouliagmeni Lake: Patrick in the principal hall
Photo: Luigi Casati


Vouliagmeni Lake : returning from a strong dive for the topography
Photo: Massimiliano Cicchelero


1994 at the Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


1994 at the Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Concentration before a dive
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Half years '90: launch of the scooter in the Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Patrick exceeds the window at -40m in the Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Luigi Casati


In 1994 "by wet" in the Vouliagmeni Lake
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


In 1992 at the Vouliagmeni Lake
Foto: Beatrice Dell'Oro


1992 at the Vouliagmeni Lake: Jean Jacques and Gigi prepare equipments for the exploration dives
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


1992: Jean Jacques returning from an exploration dive
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Beginning years '90: Elefante Bianco
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Beginning years '90: dive to -125m with 4 tanks of 20l
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Beginning years '90: dive to -125m with 4 tanks of 20l
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro
Elefante Bianco
Photo: Jean Jacques Bolanz


Elefante Bianco: Deco after exploreration dive to -160
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


Equipment at Elefante Bianco
Photo: Luigi Casati


Equipment at Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Luigi Casati


Base Camp at Sorgente del Mulino
Photo: Roberto Rinaldi


1995 Sorgente del Mulino: setting the equipments for the first dive
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Troppo pieno del Paroi: Gigi is preparing for the dive in the most confortable point of the cave
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


Troppo pieno del Paroi: dive with the tanks "in the english way"
Foto: Beatrice Dell'Oro
1993 Gran Cenotes in Yucatan (Mexico)
Photo: Luigi Casati


Laca della Bobbia: narrowing in the second siphon
Photo: Luigi Casati
1988 in the Sorgente del Gorgazzo
Photo: Robert Le Pennec


1988: in the sink that  goes until -87 in the Sorgente del Gorgazzo
Photo: Robert Le Pennec


1988: the beginning of the sink that  goes until -87 in the Sorgente del Gorgazzo
Photo: Robert Le Pennec


Beginning years '90 at the Sorgente del Gorgazzo: the telescopic hyperbaric chamber was used in order to finish the decompression adopting the technique of the "jump"
Photo: Beatrice Dell'Oro


2007: Equipment at Vrelo Une
Photo: Luigi Casati


Majerovo Vrelo 2007


Vrelo Une 2007
Photo: Lorenzo del Veneziano


Vrelo Une 2007
Photo: Lorenzo del Veneziano


Massimiliano and Jean Jacques: two friends lost, in differen caves for different reasons, while were following their passion
Photo: Claudio Carnello




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