News of Today:
Partnership with Prometeo Ricerche?
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Ricerche is on Facebook...
October 2015: Grotta di Vall'Orbe (Switzerland) [INFO]
may 16th and 17th: Cavern-Workshop in Y-40 [INFO]
April 2015: Philippines [INFO (dal sito Gruppo Grotte Brescia "Corrado Allegretti")]
February 2015: Grotte di Oliero / Sorgente dei Fontanazzi (Italy) [INFO]
February 2015: Sorgente del Gorgazzo (Italy) [INFO]
30th november 2013: Lecture and Film-Show in Ancona [INFO]
August 2012: Buca della Renara (Italy) [INFO]
July/August 2012: Matka Vrelo (Macedonia) [INFO]
8th May 2012: Lecture and Film-Show in Trento [INFO]
18th February 2012: Presentation of the Book "ESTREMO BLU" at the EUDI SHOW [INFO] [INFO2]
January/February 2012: Fiumelatte (Italy) [INFO]
3rd February 2012: Lecture and Film-Show in Polcenigo (PN) [INFO]
12-13 November 2011: TekDive11 in Edegem (Belgium) [INFO]
4th November 2011: Lecture and Film-Show in Milano [INFO]
29th-30th October 2011: Speleolessinia 2011 in Negrar (Verona)
6th-10th October 2011: REBREATHER MEETING - Isola di Ponza (LT) [INFO]
4th October 2011: Lecture and Film-Show in Padova [INFO]
August 2011: Buca della Renara (Italy) [INFO]
July 2011: Buca della Renara (Italy) [INFO]
9th-10th July 2011: Speleonotte 2011 in S.Erasmo di Cesi (Terni) [INFO]
June 11th 2011: Lecture and Film-Show in Viareggio
May 2011: Gigi's considerations about Samar Expedition [INFO]
March/April 2011: Samar Island (Philippines) [INFO]
March 4th 2011: Lecture and Film-Show in Erba [INFO]
February/March 2011: Rio Torretta (Italy) [INFO]
February 2011: Sorgente dei Fontanazzi (Italy) [INFO]
September 2010: Source Bleue Dortan (France) [INFO]
July 2010: Matka Vrelo (Macedonia) [INFO]
June 2010: Sorgente La Foce (Italy) [INFO]
May 2010: Convention in Vicenza [INFO]
April 2010: Lago di Vouliagmeni (Greece) [INFO]
March 2010: Rio Torretta [INFO]
February 2010: Elefante Bianco (Italy) [INFO]
January 2010: Grotte de Motiers (Switzerland) [INFO]
on "Advanced Diver Magazine" n.32 November
on "Mondo Sommerso" May 2008 Article and Photo by Roberto Rinaldi
Interested in organizing and hosting an event with Gigi Casati ?Want further information about the Courses ?Don't hesitate to contact me via
on web site or directly E-Mail
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