MATKA VRELO (Macedonia)
July/August 2012
21st July
Gigi and Alessandro leave Venice for Igoumenitsa by Ferry-Boat.
22nd July
We arrive in Greeceland in the evening, some hours in late. We decide to have
dinner and sleeping near the beach in Igoumenitsa.
23rd July
After passing through Greece and Macedonia, in the late afternoon we reach Matka,
where since few days is already operative the Belgian team (Marc, Roger and
Thomas) who, besides having restored the line to 110m, has found a new gallery
by-pass (which was called "Wafel'' s Junction") which avoids the crossing-35m
after the "Peoni Hall", leading directly to the "Green Card Gallery", just
before the pit.
24 luglio
Day dedicated to the transportation and setup of equipment.
25 luglio
Gigi and Alessandro continue the placement of the emergency decompression line,
while Roger and Thomas are dedicated to the topography of the new gallery.
26 luglio
Unlucky day! Upon entry into the water Gigi ripping the suit, because of a screw
protruding from the platform. Considering it was a dive that would have served
and especially to test it out, as completely new (withdrew from Parisi the
morning of departure from Venice!!), Better not to speak about it...
The good news is that, finally, Macedonian friends (Kiro, in particular)
have been able to take out from the customs the head of the Rebreather Gigi,
shipped directly from Italy after a last-minute repair.
Meanwhile Roger dives to clean up the cave from old sections of wire, Thomas
made some shots, and Marc-up to 100m into the pit to check its condition after
the rain of the the last days: the visibility is a bit worse but remains
at more than enough. The water temperature is 13 ° C.
27 July
At 12:30pm Gigi, Marc and Alessandro are at the Press Conference with the Major
of Skopje.
Meanwhile Roger dives to finish the cleaning from the pieces of the old line and
for fix better the one in the new passage.
28 July
Also today the bad luck is on us. Marc cuts the flash cable of his camera with
the scooter ad a lamp of Gigi's helmet implode at -136m.
29 July
Gigi and Alessandro make few reparations on the equipment and prepair the
sidemount rebreather for the next dive. Roger and Marc dive for take photos.
30 July
Finally a positive day! Roger goes first to place the tank for the depth and the
sidemount rebreather after the initial bottleneck. After this Gigi start and
falls into the second exploration shaft, reaching a room, in which he has already
identified a possible continuation. Finish the dive at-156m. Alessandro and
Bojan assist him during deco. Marc is able to document with several photos the
various phases of the dive.
31st July
Rest day for Gigi and Alessandro. Roger and Marc dive: the first finish to clean
the old line from the deep by-pass and the second explore the roof of the
main shaft till -3m.
1 August
Unfortunately, another wasted day. Because the planned inauguration of the new
dam "Matka2" was waiting for a wave of full throughout the Matka Kenyon. We
waited in vain all morning and then decide to put off until tomorrow the dive.
2 August
End of the 2012 expedition. Gigi explores the new room (named Meru Room for
obvious reasons...) till to-165m leaving the bottom after 30'. Alessandro, Danco and Bojan assist Gigi during
deco and carry all the material out of the cave while Marc is dedicated to
photos. Roger coordinates from the platform. The dive was 170' long.
3 August
At 10:00am Press Conference with the Mayor of Skopje before leaving with friends
Belgians for Greece.
4 August
Embark from Igoumenitsa to Venice.
Aleksandar Acev - Macedonia |
Aleksandar Bulevski - Macedonia |
Bojan Angeleski - Macedonia |
Bojan Petkovski - Macedonia |
Danco Gjorgjijevski - Macedonia |
Daniel Atanasovski – Macedonia |
Gjorgji Trpeski – Macedonia |
Ivan Zezovski - Macedonia |
Kiro Angeleski - Macedonia |
Nikola Paskali - Macedonia |
Sanja Gjorgjevik - Macedonia |
Vasil Sokolov (Vasco) - Macedonia |
Marc Vandermeulen (Asterix) - Belgium |
Roger Cossemyns - Belgium |
Thomas Schubert (Wafel)- Belgium |
Alessandro Fantini (il "Pifferaio") - Italy
Luigi Casati (il "Gigi") - Italy |
Leaving from Venice...
Photo: Alessandro Fantini |
Relax on the platform...
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Gigi ready to start to put the
tanks in the deep zone
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Asterix go for taking some photos
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Roger is going to dive
Photo: Bojan Petkovski |
Unfortunately this is really a
"big hole" !!
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Kiro (Our hero!!) and the head
of the Reb just take out from the customs
Photo: Alessandro Fantini |
Press Conferense for the
presentation of the Expedition "Matka Vrelo 2012"
Photo: Alessandro Fantini |
Gigi (with the translation of
Betty), Kiro and Marc with the Major of Skopie
Photo: Alessandro Fantini |
The belgium and italian teams at
dinner |
The Pifferaio in the macedonian
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Gigi before the jump
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
The lamp that have imploded at
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
The Pifferaio ready to go to assist Gigi during decompression
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Works in progress...
Photo: Alessandro Fantini |
The sidemount rebreather
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Gigi starts for thedive
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
His retourn...
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
During deco...
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Checking all the equipment
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
In deco with The Pifferaio
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Pifferaio checks the deco emergency tanks
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Some notes on the new room...
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
Waiting (unsuccesfully)
the the wave of full throughout Matka Kenyon
Foto: Roger Cossemyns
Gigi returns from the point at the Meru Room
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen
The Pifferaio carries out some equipment from the cave
Photo: Marc Vandermeulen |
Picture with the
"Friends of the boat"
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |
The new topography of the cave (In red the
2012 explorations)
Photo: Roger Cossemyns |